Howdy! I'm an Animator, Vector + 3D Artist and Sound Designer - Currently developing my film 'Maxification 2' alongside multiple side projects. | Banner Art By 'Vertigohm' ! |


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Posted by Jsoull - March 23rd, 2017







Oh Boy.

Hello there, fellow Madness animator! As you may or may not be aware of, Djjaner has abandoned ship on making REALM 4's soundtrack, leaving our 'ol buddy Kelzbo in a bit of a pickle. For the sake of keeping this community as salty as possible, I bring forth a grand project for all compotent animators to participate in! To keep things short and sweet, this collab's parts will consist of Kelzad killing Djjaner in a variety of ways, or Djjaner taking the place of standard agents and dying a whole bunch. I will update the charts below as more members join, currently looking for around 12 members to join, each contributing 1 part or more.

I am shooting for a 4th of July deadline at the moment, this may change if everybody finished their parts before then.

Current Members: 22/22 (If you want to join after member cap has been  reached, PM me with your best test and I'll see what I can do)

Jsoull: Parts 1/2

Spots: Parts 1/2

DaskerKS: Parts 0/1

xKirxeee: Parts 2/2

LUNA-PL: Parts 0/?

ShootDaCheese: Parts 0/1

Madnesia19: Parts 1/1

Ratnic8000: Parts 0/1

Grumpy666: Parts 0/1

kRyy17: Parts 0/1

P3M: Parts 0/1

 Kreepah: Parts 0/1

Djjaner: Parts 0/?

SentryTurbo: Parts 1/1

GameMr: Parts 0/1

Armicek: Parts 1/1

Jackson-Siegel: Parts 1/2

Dankon: Parts 0/1

Clee3rd: Parts 0/?

Papabless123: Parts 0/1

DudingDarn: Parts 0/?

Magnum47: Parts 0/?

Awez: Parts 1/?

PikaLight: Parts 0/?




I'd also like to note that this shouldn't be seen as a personal attack on Djjaner at all, I love the guy. Think of this whole thing as an inside joke taken way too far.

UPDATE: I am currently awaiting a test from somebody to see if they are #mlg for the collab. For this, I am temporarily extending the member limit to 14.

UPDATE #2: Due to rather high demand, the member limit has risen once again. A discord server has also been formed for any members who've joined, just PM me your DC details and I can get u in.

UPDATE #3: Holy shit, this got way more support than I could ever imagine. Thanks to everybody who's joined so far, I'll be capping this whole thing at 22 members for now. However, If you REALLY want to join, send me a PM of your best tests and I can see If you'll squeeze in.



dude really


I'd like to see what Janer has to say about this xD

It'll be interesting.

Are you serious ?

Yep, come on in! ;)

No thanks. I don't want to go in this. Because I don't really give a fuck.

Don't be a lonely-only!

I prefer to make solo projects. Because everyone do a collab. Since MD2013 everyone do a collab, that shit now.
But good luck with your collab.

Thanks buddy!

boeh, can i take part in?

Sure thing buddy!

That sure sound fun

I'll join! Its not like I (do) have any better things to do...

Kewl boi

I don't think this is a good idea. What if this causes him to leave or stop doing madness? He has recently made some quality animations (his solo ones not the ones with Madczech) and he is probably the only active person in this community that can make some decent games. Also aren't we supposed to make this community as least salty as possible?

This is more meant as an inside joke than any kind of personal attack. Hopefully worst doesn't come to worst and we can all just have fun with this, including ol' D himself.

I'll make a clip for thiiiiiiiis, it's gonna be Keltastic!

Thanks duuuuude.

Put me in that list, you sexy gray man

Sure buddy.

Could make one part.

You're In! ;)

This is gay


I would like to participate in this "Well" Thought out collab.

I'll add u latr friendo! :)

I was thinking of joining, but I dont think im good enough to keep up with everybody yet,
and besides, I dont even have Kelzad's sprites. So I think i'll pass

The sprites are supplied to you once you join, don't be a lonely-only!

Dude, this is childish. Stop.

Can i join?

Sure! :)

I'll fix up the chart and add everybody once I get home. Welcome to the club, buddy!

Can I join in with 2 parts?

Sure thing my man!

"dud dis is childisgsgash" but having a pillow as a girlfriend isn't childishashash at all.

good one @DaKedar

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